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Customer Stories & Testimonials

I have lost my hair twice and just had as much fun as possible with it, whether it be using scarves or when it started growing back doing fun hairstyles. Staying positive is number 1! I am having a lot of fun with all the scarves I ordered. I always recommend you guys! :) Three time bone cancer survivor showing my support for breast cancer awareness!
My daughter's wedding in December was right in the middle of my chemo sessions - what was I going to do? She wanted me to walk her down the aisle (her dad had died 18 years ago). I had discovered and ordered chemo hats from them; then I realized they were located in League City, right down the street from me. My son & daughter and I visited their store and discovered this hat - it was our answer! My whole mother-of-the-bride outfit revolved around this hat. It gave me the confidence to walk her down the aisle & celebrate with her & her new husband all evening. Thank you, Headcovers, for helping make this a occasion even more memorable!
Richmond, Virginia is home to Hospital Hospitality House (HHH). This is a place where people without a home, can call their home while their loved ones are obtaining medical attention at our local hospitals. This organization holds an annual fundraiser called "Fancy Hat Party"; a luncheon where the guests wear hats to be donated to cancer patients. This year, the key note speaker was Debbie Phelps - educator and mother of the Olympic gold medal swimmer, Michael Phelps. His sister, Whitney joined in the celebration. Our "table" discovered your website and we choice various colors of your retro swim hat. We proudly wore them to the lunch and donated them to the organization. Attached are various pictures of the w/Mrs. Phelps,one with Whitney Phelps wearing a the multi-bright colored cap, and various ones of the group. As you can tell, we made a "splash". THANKS!
After my latest round of chemo, I found myself in the Emergency Department with Neutropenic Fever. Let's admit it, there's nothing comforting about a hospital gown and no-slip socks. But, the one thing that gave me continued warmth and comfort was my Headcover. I know that all of the medical professionals around me would not have had the slightest issue with my baldness, but in a situation where one has no control, this was the one, and only, comfort I had. I stayed in the hospital for five days and received many compliments on the beautiful, intricate fabric and style. My Headcover is a gift from a dear friend, a gift that has brought me so much comfort and confidence throughout my journey with Ovarian Cancer.
Thank you for making me feel whole again!

I recently purchased two headcovers for a friend who is having chemo. Losing her hair was bad enough...but she was unable to find any head cover that was comfortable and stylish. She suffered with a hot scratchy wig, but going out on the boat was a misery. Everything would blow off and seeing Mommy with no hair was kinda scary for her small girls. The textured sleep cap did the trick!

She also has had MANY compliments on the Emily cap. She has given up on the wig and is much more comfortable. I just wanted you to know that your products have made a difference in someone's life and you should start a chain nationwide!!!
My new eyebrows are fantastic!!! Many thanks! (Here is a photo wearing the realistic eyebrows).
I love my new hats I ordered from headcovers! Thank you so very much!!!
#keepingitcuteatchemo thanks to!
Hi, I am from Denmark and I have just send my first order to Headcovers. I love you hats and look very much forward to receive them soon. Thank you for helping us to look good when having a difficult period in our lifes. With love from Helle
Thank you for having such a comfy and adorable hat for a 4 year old who is on chemo- that she wears it says everything! ❤️- thank you!
I just finished viewing your web site and I just wanted to say thank you for providing such a wonderful selection of hats and turbans. I am 26 years old and started losing my hair on the crown of my head about 4 years ago. It's getting pretty thin up there and I was beginning to wonder how I was going to manage to fashionably cover my head! I couldn't really see myself wearing a wig, and seeing the selection of head covers you offer almost makes me feel a little better about how I'm going to look. I'm not ready to order yet, but I'm sure I will be a future customer. I just wanted to say thank you again, and I look forward to ordering soon!

I wanted to say thank you for the wonderful products that you have. I just ordered 3 hats for my mother who is undergoing chemo for small cell lung cancer. She hasn't lost all of her hair but it is thinning considerably. I wish you could have seen her face last night when I presented her with her hats - she was like a little girl - all giggly and excited. This is the happiest we have seen her in a month. (Your Feather Chenille hat is so soft and comforting, Mom said she was going to sleep in it!!)


Thank you for offering such wonderful items for patients and families.

God Bless..

I received my new wig today. You helped me pick out color and style. We decided on Jessica from Henry Margu. It is fabulous!! My stylist cut in my bangs tonight and took some time to show me some great things about my new hair. She even said how wonderfully made this wig is. I feel more beautiful than I have felt in over 6 years.

I am not sure how you were able to do online what salon owners that see me in person couldn't do. You are truly wonderful at your job and I will always be grateful for what you have done for me. I am sure I will seek you out for more advice in the future.
Just found your website and it has made my day! I have found it very difficult to source really nice hats and scarves in the UK. I have had a great time ordering some of your products and can't wait until they arrive. My hair has nearly all fallen out now and although I have a wig I am finding it difficult to go out wearing it. I am quite happy wearing hats and am sure eventually will feel comfortable with the wig. Hair loss is definitely the most difficult part of having chemo, but now you've given me a great excuse to spend some money and be a little inventive with the way I look.

Thank you so much!
I was thrilled to find your site! As a newly diagnosed cancer patient, I can't tell you how important it is to me to find quality products at a reasonable price. The variety you offer is outstanding (and I have done my research!!).
Thank you so much!   This my second pair of eyebrows.  I cried when I put them on...could not believe they looked like my own!!!!!

Hi, Just to say thanks for your lovely service. I looked in the UK but couldn't get any hats as good as yours, and your service is so prompt and your hats so cool, I shall be ordering more.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer the end of april and since then it's been a roller coaster ride.  I lost my right breast, now I'm having chemo so my hair is gone too.  I have a grade 3 cancer, a very aggressive one.  I tried to order hats here in the UK but the service was rubish.  I didn't even receive the hat.  I told them I can get them quicker from America and better quality.  Thanks thanks thanks again.


WOW!  What can I say but "Thank you" from the bottom of my heart. I placed my order on the evening of 11/03/09 and they were delivered on 11/06/09 in the morning.  I am thrilled!  The hats are beautiful and look great on me. My husband and daughter asked me to model for them.  We had a blast.  I am a three time breast cancer survivor currently taking chemo for the third time in 15 years.  My hair is just starting to fall out from my first chemo treatment three weeks ago.  These hats and accessories are wonderful.  The designs and workmanship are excellent.  Only a "Sister in Pink" would know exactly what is needed for us to hold our heads high and step out in style!  Thanks for caring so much.  I will be ordering more!

Hello! I just wanted to write a little note of thanks. I ordered my petal swim cap last month and wore it to a 60's themed pool party this Saturday and it was a HIT! I love the swim cap and received many many compliments. I directed everyone who asked to your site. Thank you so much! Here is a photo of me rocking it.
I have been living with SLE Lupus for a little over 10 yrs. my hair had thin out due to the illness. I was able to cope with it by cutting it short. But about 2 yrs ago i was diagnosed with another form of Lupus which is called Cutaneaus SLE, it attacks the skin. Well in my case it attacked my scalp n within months i was bald from the center of my head. My hair left around the outside of my head has thinned out completely. The Dermatologist says the disease has killed my hair follicles n scared them therefore there is no hope in my hair ever growing back again! I found u guys n i adore your head wraps! I have faith in my Lord someday my hair follicles will grow, he has the last answer! I feel so insecure at times because i had long thick beautiful hair. But i am so glad i found your website!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Thank you Headcovers for my first order ♡~ the added details were super appreciated!
Here is a photo from 2 year breast cancer survivor, Marylynn. She is modeling our fleece headwrap.

Send us your photos, along with a letter giving us permission to publish them, and we will add them for others to enjoy, along with your story, if you wish to share it.
I love head covers! Have bought several things but this hat is my fav. I don't like wigs so this is my go to hat. It definitely makes me feel more confident while going thorough the process of having no hair from chemo and yet still working.
Just got my new bamboo hat in the mail today. 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma and my treatment started yesterday. My hair may fall out, but I'm prepared with a beautiful comfortable coral hat. And my favorite part was the lovely packaging. It was wrapped and sent with a pink cancer ribbon and magnet. Thank you for making this purchase a little nicer.
I just received my first package of head coverings. The care in packaging my items with the card was a beautiful presentation and really makes me feel special. I love them. The ratings from previous buyers was very helpful. Instead of focusing on losing my hair, I'm becoming obsessed with learning how to tie the scarves in different ways. All in all, this package was empowering to the point that what was left of my shoulder length hair is now a pixie cut. My friends are impressed with the quality and price of the covers.

Dear Carol,
I received my hats today and am so pleased with them that I thought I'd let you know. They came right on time - I lost the last of my hair last weekend, due to systemic lupus, and I had grown weary of my few scarves. These hats are so soft and comfy and cute, too! Your web site makes the process so easy, with very good representation and presentation of the hats you are selling. I appreciate that very much. Thank you!
I am going in for treatments after my next surgery and I read about you in the May/June issue of AAPP- page between 14-15 - Really Living. Thanks for helping to make the road easier.
I will be ordering soon and will pass this infornation about you to all cancer groups here in the Atlantic City area. I am a real estate broker and still working so I must look my best. Thank God you beat the cancer, hope I can say the same.
I really love this stylish beret. I feel like me...when I don't feel like me. It's my fav!
Today I wanted to look at my best for my daughter's and grandmother's birthday. And I really received a lot of compliments, all thanks to you! So thanks for my look of today! Loves from Belgium!
Front & side view of my new buckle newsboy...dressed up with my 'halo' and some jewelry. =) A cute hat makes hair loss bearable!
My mother loves the pink nubby hat. She gets compliments all the time. Thank you for making such wonderful hats. It helps those with cancer, taking chemo, feel better about themselves. It's the little things. :-)

Hi Carol,
Just as you said it would, the wig arrived today. I'm very pleased with it. You did a great job of matching the sample. At first I thought it was frosted, but it looks like natural highlights...So glad when this is all over, but so thankful that there are doctors to do their thing, company's like yours to make things easier, and the love and prayers of friends and people I don't even know, to help get me through it...Thanks for sharing.
Hello Carol,

I have just come across your website and I would like to thank you so much for telling your story. I am writing to you from the beautiful Blue Mountains just outside of Sydney in Australia. I have only just turned 35 and yet have been diagnosed 4 times in the last 10 years with breast cancer. The first three had all been primaries and involved several surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and then finally a double mastectomy that would hopefully be the end of it, until last October when I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in my spine. I am so happy and also relieved as I believe that I will recover from this and it is so encouraging to read your story. I absolutely believe in angels and I love hearing stories such as yours.

Thankfully my doctors are wonderful but society's attitudes about cancer are so negative in general. I plan to live to be a little old eccentric grandma, as my children and just 7 and 4, I still have a long way to go. Thankfully I am in good health and feel well and happy and will do my best to keep it that way.

My first lot of chemotherapy in 95 resulted in hair thinning but this time around I will lose all my hair, probably in the next few weeks, I am going on the Look Good Feel Good workshop next month and thought that I would see what type of styles suit me first before I order. Thank you again Carol and I wish you and your family much good health and happiness, with best wishes.
Just wanted to let you all know I am very happy with my little hats. I was very excited to pick them up from the post office a few weeks ago and I am getting lots of compliments.
Thank you for your quick answer. I have had Hodgkins Lymphoma since January 2007 and am now beginning a stem cell transplant. I have looked high and low for these little bandanas and in the past year have only found a white and black one in a little mall cart.

It was great to order all these colors and for so little as I am on disability now, and I am so excited to get them and wear them. I love to dress and match and your company has made my day! Having lost all my hair has been traumatic to say the least. Thank you so much.

Hi there, just a quick thank you note for making my mum feel beautiful!  I ordered a bunch of head wear from you and sent it as a surprise gift directly to her. She loves every one of them and the quality is superb.  It took less than 5 days to arrive to Australia - can't believe it!   Mum changes her scarves and hats around several times a day - I think she is worried her hair will grow back before she gets good use out of them!   Again, thank you for putting a smile back on my mum's face.

I was diagnosed with pre cancerous breast tissue in November and due to my family's history I elected to have surgery, I am recovering from a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and at my follow up appointment learned that I have stage 1 invasive triple negative breast cancer that was undetected prior to my surgery. I will need chemotherapy treatment for five months. I was wide awake at 2 am, dreading the horrible side effects of chemo and the future loss of my hair when I found your site. I created a registry that night and emailed my best friend. We are planning a girls day out, inviting all of my family and friends to join me at the salon to shave my hair and paint our nails pink :) We will go to lunch and celebrate hope, faith, strength and courage. Your site gave me peace of mind that I don't have to lose my style when I lose my hair. Thank you.

Hello there.
I don't know if you will remember me. I ordered some hats from you for my mother who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and who is now in the middle of her chemotherapy. I live in the UK in Brighton. I would like to thank you so much for the hats you sent all the way from the US, my mother was so delighted and at a time when you feel so helpless it made me feel as though I was some help. She has now lost all her hair and although she has two wigs she lives in the hats we ordered from you. Nothing has topped them yet. She said that her head gets very sore with the wigs on and so the hats are perfect, they also prevent her from getting too hot which seems a problem with hats not made for medical purposes. They have helped her to maintain some femininity at a difficult time. Everyone we know has remarked on how lovely they really can still look good even when you have lost your hair. Many thanks again for sending the hats from myself and my mum.
Dear Carol,
I found your internet site and wanted you to know that I appreciate your help today. You have always been very helpful to me and I can trust your company to deliver the genuine article. I lost your number for awhile, but now I'm back to stay.

Hi Carol,
I was so glad to find your site on the internet. We live in Nebraska, but have a large extended family back in Georgia. My mother-in-law is 90 years old and just had her entire non-functioning colon removed last summer...She is now in a nursing home, mentally as spry as ever, but physically pretty inactive. Her request for Christmas from her midwest children is a warm sleep cap...I'm going to order a couple different types so she can always have a clean one and can let me know which style and fabric she prefers.
Thanks for caring and providing a much needed service for the public.
Dear Carol and Danielle,

Thank you for your work! I woke up at 1:30am here in San Francisco in one of those wide-awake, how will-I-cope moments...went to the computer, and found your web site. I have come through a successful mastectomy and reconstruction with extraordinary doctors at the California Pacific Medical Center and start chemotherapy next week. While I am a hat person with a good collection (my hair is thin and San Francisco is windy), I've begun to think they won't do for the dramatic hair loss ahead.

I ordered tentatively (the hat liner for hats I have and the crochet beret). Then I went to "about us" and the testimonials and had the good cry I needed and now I'm ready to sleep again. Thank you, thank you for what you do. I too am heading for survivor status...first grandchild born 10 days ago in Hong Kong and daughter getting
married in November. I was thrilled to see the velvet with organza hat since the purple looks just right for what I hope to wear for the wedding! Thanks again and good night!

E.M., grateful new customer
Thank you so much for the wonderful sleep hats. They are beautifully made. I have sent many orders to you and each time the product quality astounds me. I love the way everything comes wrapped so nicely and with a cute bow too.
I have alopecia so you will have me as a customer for all my life. I have been able to buy things that are not available in my country.

Last week I finally had to put to rest a dear familiar printed sleep cap that I bought 4 years ago. It was worn out after lots of use and washes. I got value for money from it that's for sure.
I am blessed to no longer need your adorable product, but it was the ONE THING that made me feel 'pretty' in the middle of such a tumultuous time in my life. I cannot thank you enough!!! Your newsboy styles are precious and much deeper than anything else out there---and I tried a lottttt of others. My other 'go tos' were the simple cotton rolled up hats in plain jersey colors. I developed a horrible case of folliculitis during second round of chemo, and they were so a favorite soft, worn t-shirt. I could never thank you enough for your stylish, reasonably priced products! Thank you! Here is me in what was my favorite newsboy of many I ordered from you.
I love buying from Very flattering. Makes me feel pretty even now without my hair! Good price and material. Thank you.
Dear Carol,
I never expected such wonderful support from someone I'm placing an order with! Thanks; it means a lot. I'll keep you posted. You're very sweet to be so caring. A strange feeling tonight; almost like Christmas eve in a funny way. Nothing will ever be the same but I'm also in a new "in" group of wonderful caring women. Thanks for everything.
Thank you, Headcovers, for your line of products. I had brain surgery to remove a golf ball sized tumor and after surgery I was partially bald and swollen for a long time. My good friend Tara got me a gift certificate to your website and so I ordered some things and found that your hats were the perfect solution. As a result of surgery, I now have 6 plates and 30 screws in my head and it is still uncomfortable much of the time to wear regular hats. I LOVE my Classic Baseball Hat because it doesn't pinch my hardwear filled head. A friend of mine is getting ready for surgery in January and I am sure she will find something to fit her needs in your collection as well. Thank you so much!!!
I ordered different head covers on Friday night and here we are Monday morning and my order has arrived! I live in Canada and never thought I would receive this so fast. Thank you for your great service and for offering so many choices in headwear. I just love my new hat, scarves and headbands!! You have made my day! I will make sure everyone I meet who need your products know how great they are! I'm already thinking about getting a swim cap!
Thanks again.
I just want to thank you for the promptness with which you filled my first order. I know I waited a bit late to order (probably some sort of denial) and I am pleased that you were able to get the two knit caps to me so quickly.

I have opted to have my head shaved rather than wait for the "fallout" and that will be taking place on Tuesday. I can relax a bit now to know that I at least have a couple of "at home" hats to wear while I adjust to this whole thing. In time I will most likely be ordering some "outdoor" hats also.

I found several sites on the net offering this type of headwear and I think yours was the best...certainly the best selection.

Thank you again.
I received my hats yesterday and they were just what I thought they would be. Thank you for providing this product. Your hats are the only ones I've found that I like during chemo AND that are a reasonably priced. Everyone comments on how cute they are.

I would like to thank you for the quick service and quality product. My
mother, who is going through Chemo for breast cancer, absolutely loved them.
Thanks again.

Dear Carol,
I just wanted to thank you so much for the prompt delivery for my grandmother in Texas. I received your message on my answering machine and I felt so blessed. You have made an elderly lady so happy. She is so upset about her loss of hair that her "bonnets" as she calls them make her feel like a lady. Thanks again. If I ever need this service or know of anyone who does I will definitely pass on the free advertising. YOU ALL ARE AWESOME!
One Completely Utterly Satisfied Customer
I just wanted you to know that I received my first order today. I am very happy with the 3 hats I received. Although I still have hair, I start my chemo treatments on Monday. I guess I just wanted to be prepared. Thanks for your great selections.
I received my previous order from you and am so impressed. You guys are absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much!
I just received my order. These hats are incredible. The material is so soft. U cant even tell that I have no hair (just short ones) I LOVE IT.
I love my head covers, I have about 10 of them!
KUDOS for tiptop customer service. Getting such prompt e-mail responses plus being phoned by staff to complete the transaction was so kind.

Since my friend is house bound by illness, she was very stressed so she's been anxiously awaiting the package.

Your offer to expedite the delivery was great for her...

Thank you from both of us!
Dear Carol,
I just received my order today and you did a wonderful job of matching my hair color to the items I ordered!! The banded wig is just beautiful and I've tried the detachable bangs with some of your hats that I received a couple of weeks ago. Thanks so much for picking just the right color. I can't wait until I get the hair liner - I'm sure that it will be wonderful too! Thanks for everything.
Dear Carol,

Tonight it was X'Mas in May.

Your parcel had arrived and the hats and turbans fit perfectly and made me feel "real" again...When I felt most dejected and hopeless, not finding anything nice or even normal to cover my starting hair loss in Japan, where cancer is still very much a taboo and women have just to stay in hiding, both physically and emotionally, I discovered your web site and it was like meeting a new friend.

Your parcel came half way around the world to remind me that there is no coincidence and that the beautiful phrase I have read in one of my favourite books is indeed so true: "I sent you only angels"...

Du fond du coeur, merci, Dear Carol, for making me feel wholesome again. Thanks to your beautiful products, I can go on the road of my life up to recovery and beyond!
Dear Danielle, Wow, what an amazing testimony of one woman's walk and legacy. About 6 weeks ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer- we have since been told it is very aggressive and stage 3. I had my breast removed 2 weeks ago and will begin chemo in 3. It is my heart's desire that I like your mother walk this journey with grace and dignity, honouring God in all I do. Thank you for the encouragement of your stories.
Dear Carol,
I just wanted to write to let you know how pleased I was to receive my order so soon. I ordered on a Saturday and received my order the following Wednesday. What outstanding service! The hats are lovely and of a very nice quality. I just couldn't be more happy. I am starting my chemo. today and was very anxious about the upcoming hair loss but I feel so much better now that I got my order. I will be sure and tell anyone who asks, and probably some that don't, where I got my caps. Thank you again.
I really like my wig and have gotten many compliments on how natural and real it looks. Thanks again for your help!
...I am so extremely pleased that I found your website. I have spent many nights searching the web for hat/turbans because of my hair loss from chemotherapy. I felt like I hit the jackpot when I came across your website. I haven't found one website that even came close to offering the quantity or quality of items you have available. I was getting so depressed searching the web thinking that I would be stuck with just a few plain and ugly headcoverings for the many months that I will need to cover my head. After finding your website I feel so much better. Now I feel I might even have a little fun with the idea of wearing hats/turbans because of the variety you offer and the different accessories available to put with them...I can't thank you enough for what you are offering at!!!
Thank you very much. My recent order I placed for a hat and cap to be sent to my sister who is presently undergoing chemotherapy has arrived in speedy time and she is very happy with them.

Your excellent service is much appreciated.
My daughter was diagnosed with cancer when she was 13, that was 10 yrs ago already. We did everything we could for her, including purchasing a $1,300 wig, when it came we were so disappointed...we were blessed and she's ok now. Recently my dearest friend was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I wanted to do something for her so we sat down at the computer and found your web site, I had her pick out a wig and I ordered it for her. I was nervous how it would look but when it came it was perfect! Her hair has been falling out and she was feeling so self conscience, her smile when she put the wig on was priceless, the wig cost less than $200. Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful product.
I can't thank you enough for your products,service and pricing. Hair loss is new to me and recent with my first chemo treatment. I was worried at the prospect of wearing a wig and managing the hair loss experience as a whole. I purchased several items from your website after doing extensive research both online and at retail stores. I could not happier! The mono wig I purchased is gorgeous and looks fabulous on. It is cool, comfortable, fits perfectly and is so natural looking. The first day I wore it for 7 hours in hot, humid and windy weather with no problems at all. My hair stylist is a professional who has been in the business for 25 years and also teaches hair styling. She is so impressed with everything about my wig that she is going to recommend your website to her clients and colleagues.

I also purchased slouch beanies,sleep caps and human hair bangs. They are all excellent quality, comfortable and pretty.
It is such a relief to have the hair loss portion of this journey "covered" . I highly recommend your website and will purchase from you again with no hesitation. Thank you!
Dear Danielle,
I received my order of hats and the flower hat pins, and I wanted to take a moment to thank you. These hats are absolutely gorgeous! They fit perfectly; they look just as they were pictured on your website; they feel comfortable; and they arrived quickly and safely, without being crushed.

I know you generally are doing business with ladies who have terrible illnesses such as cancer and have a dire need of these hats; and I do not fall into that category; but I want to commend you for your business and service you are doing for these dear people with these needs. I guess that since I need the hats to protect myself from tropical-force sunbeams, you have helped me in at least one way to prevent cancer in the future.
My wife's ten year journey with cancer has brought us in contact with many amazing people and organisations. It is a pleasure to deal with a company such as yours. Carol also sent a lovely email which really made my wife's day on such a personal level.

Many thanks again for your help.
Just wanted to thank you for your prompt replacement for a problem I had with a product. I did not expect an replacement but was so happy to receive it. I have been so happy with all the products and wear them all the time. I use the sleep all the time for a liner and under hats. They are so pretty. The bucket hats are great. I don't wear my wigs much preferring your hats etc. I have 6 more chemo treatments and have never felt better the whole time. I am very blessed and lucky .It can happen!!!!!!! Once again, thank you for your wonderful and diverse products...It makes a big difference in our lives. deb
Hi. I ordered two hats for my husband's aunt in Massachusetts. She had just had brain surgery and was recovering. They were delivered Dec. 31. She called that day to tell me how beautiful and wonderful and warm they both were. She sent a note today going on about how stylish and great the hats were. She said she really needed them and will get good use out of them. This is high praise from Aunt Judy, who is very practical and doesn't ever gush (and NEVER calls long distance unless it is an emergency). My husband and I both felt so much better about Judy, and a little less helpless.

We would like to thank you for getting those hats to her and for your great service. We've book marked your web page and will order again when we can! Thanks again.
Thank you so much for providing this service at such a reasonable cost. I am currently undergoing chemo treatments and have lost my hair. All the hats I tried on in the stores did not give full coverage, or if they did, they were outdoor winter hats. I was so pleased with the four I ordered, I am placing another order today...Losing my hair has not been easy for me and I feel very fortunate to have found your company.
Thanks again for all of your help; the costumes were wildly successful!
Love this hat I purchased from you. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in October 2015 had surgery in December 2015, and just completed my last Chemo in March 18, 2016 with my port to be removed April 8, 2016. I cannot believe six months has passed. I love all the hats I purchased from you and spread the word to others. The one in this picture is one of my favorites. Thank you for your wonderful site.

Just a brief note to say thank you for your very prompt service. The order we placed just a few days ago arrived this morning, and my wife is delighted with the goods. At what is quite a difficult time, your great service has helped immensely.
I received my second order today...I LOVE LOVE LOVE the (It Stays) adhesive...oh, my gosh! What a difference! How can anyone live without it!

I have to thank you for having such a wonderful website and great products and being so responsive in my questions. I have spoken with Brittany a few times on the phone and she was so helpful and caring. What a wonderful business you have.

I have had thin thin thin hair for the past 10 years and just recently took the leap into wearing a wig. I spent $150 at a wig salon in my neighborhood and then fell upon your website. I ordered my first wig from you, Henry Margu's Tia and guessed on the color. Tia is now my most favorite wig and the compliments on how natural it looks and the cute cut is spectacular. I have ordered my second wig from you and look forward to many many more orders!

Thanks again for being out there to allow me to regain my self esteem!

I just got back from the Post Office and my package from you was there.

These scarves are BEAUTIFUL! And your presentation was lovely. It was nice that you took the time to wrap them all in tissue! Thank you SO much! We're about to take off on a long train trip and these will help not only keep me warm, but keep me from having too many bad hair days!

Keep the MAGIC alive!
This was my third chemo treatment. Most of hair is gone. This is my very favorite head cover! I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in July. I actually had a total hysterectomy in 1996, but found out through an "error" blood that I had elevated cancer test. The doctor had left a piece of an ovary tissue. Found out this week through my Pet scan that I have no more cancer cells! Praising The Lord for answered prayers. I'm a children's pastor and I love wearing my headcovers from you. I have two and I told my husband I wanted two more for my birthday!
Good Afternoon from a beautiful sunny Qld, Australia. We salute you, and all your staff, and your www. site. I ordered for my friend on Saturday 12/4/14 - her order arrived, in Australia, on Thursday 17th April. Wow, that's what we call service. I could barely contain myself when the photos came through on my phone. While having to lose one's hair due to cancer treatment is not the nicest thing for anyone, these hats cheered her up no end, and she looks wonderful in them...the last of her hair has fallen out now, she is so appreciative of timing of receipt...Thank you so very much, Judy and I are thrilled with both your product and your customer service. Many many thanks, and May God Bless you abundantly, at Easter, and always. Warmest Australian Wishes. Many thanks from both of us, and cheers (and prayers) to all.
I just wanted to express my thanks to you and your service. I have never received such courteous prompt service from an internet company before. You deal with very emotional issues. The day I received your package was a very hard one for me. You made it easy for me to really look at what kinds of hats, practically look at, and reorder without any hassles. Keep up the great work. I will carry your card with me to pass on to other people in similar situations.
I received my last order and I am very pleased with my new hats. I have alopecia totalis but these 2 hats [that are being ordered today] are gifts for 2 friends with breast cancer and undergoing chemo. Thanks again for your good service.
I had a clinging cross years ago that brought me comfort through a particular difficult time. Recently a close colleague of mine was diagnosed with cancer. I felt led to give a clinging cross to her. I searched the internet and found a couple of places that sold them, however with all the great reviews for Headcovers, I decided to buy from them.

I bought it online on 3/25/15 and it arrived 3/27/15. Regular shipping! My order was worked on right away. It was delicately placed in tissue paper and with a pretty bow. Unexpected and appreciated. It made it very personal. Thank you for getting to me so I could give to my friend ASAP. God bless you all. I'm a loyal customer now.

I recently ordered 2 hats and a sleep cap for my aunt who just underwent a bilateral mastectomy and lost most of her hair after her first chemo. She didn't really even have time to prepare herself and was still feeling very down about it. She went and had her hair cut off (a buzz cut) and got a wig but she found the wig too scratchy to wear all the time.

I found your web site and was delighted to see the wonderful hats, turbans, sleep caps and all the other wonderful designs. I sent my order over the weekend and on Monday a very nice woman (I believe her name was Carol) called to see if the order was a gift and if I would like to enclose a note with the purchase. I did.

My aunt called me this evening. She absolutely loves the merchandise but, I think, almost more than that, she loved the letter that came with it. The gift card you enclosed made her feel very special.

Thank you for your wonderful products but thank you most of all for being the caring people you are and making my aunt feel "special" again.

With Sincere Gratitude.

Dear Headcovers Unlimited,
My order arrived today. My friend is thrilled to have these soft, warm, lovely hats. They are perfect.
This is a wonderful service that you provide! I am only 20 and am undergoing cancer treatment and was so worried about losing my hair. Now I know that I can have fun with hats and not be so self-conscious Thank you!!
I decided to tell you my story after I found out how your business came about. I did not buy this cap for the usual reasons. I was in my pool, but, I have severe Occipital Neuralgia. While not a life threatening condition, the pain is excruciating. Especially in my case as it was 24/7. It is my 4th yr and was beside myself with pain, aggravated by an extremely bad back. Yet to look at me I look perfect, for about an 11/2 hr then the dizziness and pain kept me housebound for well over a yr.

I went to 2 neurologists, Orthopedic Surgeons, eye specialists I am a writer, using my eyes was out) therapists, the list goes on. The true irony was, I was a textbook case of one that truly is rare. The neurosurgeon who diagnosed me was shocked. "My god, Graycie, you scream this condition. How in the name of god did you not get a diagnosis "? I had diagnosed myself, like all medical people I do not like to intrude. Because of my back condition many were stunned.
Here is where you come in. I was so dizzy, my husband made it clear( yelled at me lol) not to go in the pool alone. It's heated n I had not been in for years. I put my head back , the pain vanished. I took it off, then the dr said to keep it on. Of course I went in, put it on and the pain went away. I was shocked. I see a special dr. I have had my 3rd surgery on the 21of November, we all are praying it helps. It is one of those things ,gets worse before it improves. Your cap saved my life in pain...

Sorry to take so much of your time, but, I am in the medical field .My deepest condolences on your loss. What a marvelous thing you are doing and I hope it takes off and is wildly successful. I am a better person for meeting you. Take care, God Bless you and your family. You have my permission to use this story to sell the cap. It helped me by compression.
I just received my order and was pleasantly surprised to also receive the little magnet. Not only do I appreciate the gesture, but I really appreciate the Bible passage - or should I say, the fact that you used a Bible passage. It is not so common these days for businesses to spread a biblical message yet I know that is exactly what we need more of in this world. So not only did your gift brighten my day like it was intended to do in the first place, it gave me a spark of hope in a bigger sense for our world that I was really in need of seeing today. So thank you. You brightened my day in more ways than you know! Thanks again and God bless you for all you do. Your business is wonderful!
This was my go to place. I have alopecia so my needs are about the same as chemo patients. I highly recommend this site for chemo and alopecia needs. They have kids stuff too!!
Hi. I just wanted to thank you for your excellent service. My mother recently went through a mastectomy and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. This has resulted in loss of her hair. She lives in Florida and I am on the other coast in California, so I am not able to take her shopping for some head covering. I found your website and ordered some turbans for her. She called me yesterday to tell me how nice the turbans are. They are so soft and feel so comfortable. She totally loved the card especially for chemotherapy patients. She sounded so happy, something that she has not been lately. I think your turbans and card had a lot to do with that.

I thank you so much for your excellent products and speed in shipment. As soon as I send this to you, I'm going to order another one, this time in beige. Than (sic) until her hair grows back in, she will be looking so stylish.
Thanks again.
A Very Satisfied Customer.
I just wanted to thank you for your kindness in getting my order out so promptly. It was most appreciated. The hats are terrific and my friend is delighted...and the order did arrive in time for her special occasion. She mentioned that each headcover is so much softer than anything she had been able to come up with. She is truly happy with your fine selection. Again, my thanks for being so thoughtful. God Bless!
I start chemo next week and plan on being a breast cancer survivor! Thank you for a wonderful selection of products to make this path of life a little smoother.
Dear Carol,
...It is really great to know that you have a wonderful company that can cater to women of all needs like myself. I will definitely refer you to anyone I come across who needed the help and guidance like I did.
I know you probably get a ton of e-mails from people, but I just wanted to let you know your site and selections are superior to any that I have seen...Your wide variety of products and low prices are wonderful too!
Thank you Carol! God bless you & your daughter for offering such a wonderful service. I'm not one to go shopping for wigs so this makes it much easier and I feel like it's a wig of good value and quality.

I was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer in February. It's great to see your story on the web me hope for a long future!

I wanted to let you know that I received my shipment last Friday and was very impressed and happy with my purchases. Along with the cute swimming cap and better than expected wide brim hat...I received several beautiful and reasonably priced scarves. It is very difficult to find the kind of scarves I really need in the stores. Your site is the greatest source for head cover concerns. I only wish I had found this site before I purchased a couple of wigs at too high a price and not really what I like. I think I would've been happier if I had gotten them from your company. Thanks Again!!
Hi Carol. Thanks for the packages and the special gift for hot day heads; that was sooo sweet of you. Amazing to get a personal touch in the middle of an internet transaction. All the wigs look beautiful. It will still be a shock when the hair loss happens (I still have a week or so to go) but the wigs sure have been fun. I'm sure wearing them will take some getting used to and I bought a bunch of scarves for the wind. People are also showering me with fun hats so...we're making as much joy out of this as we can.

Thanks again; do well; I'm sure I'll order from you again; I've been passing your site around as a recommendation to other patients.

I did receive the wig and it is lovely. The fit is good and the colour is just as I like. The highlights look so natural in this climate...I went to have a pedicure the other day (a Christmas present from a friend) and the lady who is also a hair stylist was offering to do my hair for me and wanted to know who coloured it - so it must look pretty natural!
Thanks so much for getting my order out quickly, I didn't realize I would need these turbans as soon as I did and they're here for me just in the nick of time. Thanks for your very prompt service. I will not hesitant to order from you again.
Thank you.
Dear Danielle,
Hello! I ordered some hats from your mother, which were perfect for me...and very beautiful...She is truly kind...Because your hats are so nice, I think I'll order a couple more.
I was diagnosed on my 33rd birthday this year and I was looking at your wigs and hairpieces and read your story. What an amazing one. Especially about the angel at the bottom of your bed. Luckily, mine was a stage one with no lymph node involvement. However, my Mom died of breast cancer when she was 37 so we did the gene test and found out that I have BRAC1. I start chemo on Tuesday, 4 rounds, three weeks apart and then will be doing a mastectomy with reconstruction. My sister has told me how this is going to change my life and cause me to do something really good and help others. That is what you are doing and I just wanted to tell you that reading your story was an inspiration to me.
My order of 4 eyelet head wraps arrived today (in an assortment of colors) and they are just perfect!! I want to thank you for having a perfect product for my needs and the speed with which the order was filled and delivered.

I appreciate the prompt service and quality of the products. Thank you.
My daughter was diagnosed with cancer when she was 13, that was 10 yrs ago already. We did everything we could for her, including purchasing a $1,300 wig, when it came we were so disappointed...we were blessed and she's ok now. Recently my dearest friend was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I wanted to do something for her so we sat down at the computer and found your web site, I had her pick out a wig and I ordered it for her. I was nervous how it would look but when it came it was perfect! Her hair has been falling out and she was feeling so self conscience, her smile when she put the wig on was priceless, the wig cost less then $200. Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful product.
I just had to tell you my aunt received her hat on Monday and she loved it. It just absolutely made her day. She had just finished her 2nd chemo. treatment on Friday so the timing was perfect. Thank you for your help in putting a smile on her face.

Once again, your website is terrific and it will be the first place I visit if my aunt needs anything else.

Thanks again.
This is a new horizon for me. I will be undergoing radiation/chemo for brain tumor and then full chemo for lung cancer...Your site has been an inspiration.
Dear Carol and all,

My order just arrived and there was lots of excitement around here at my office in downtown Chicago(across the street from the Sears Tower) as I opened the box and pulled out each individual hat. Everyone loved everything and are all very anxious to see me wearing my beautiful new head covers. Everyone had their favorite, I happened to have loved everything, but immediately ripped off the purple scarf I was wearing and replaced it with the black hat with the braid--it looks great and I plan to order more of this one especially, probably tomorrow I'll place another order or when I get home tonight.

Thank you so much for the lovely present, too. It brought tears to many of the people in the office, they thought it was very unique and special for
you to do something so kind. Several of the women asked for your web address and wanted to look at your site, read your story. I told them how happy I was to have found you over the weekend when I came to work yesterday. So everyone had heard the story of my online ordering spree and were anxious to see what was coming.

I especially want to thank you for your kindness and understanding and for the lovely email exchange over the weekend. I went from being hysterical on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week--saying I wasn't about to leave the house, to laughing and joking yesterday and today, and you and your store were very much a great part of that personal relief for me. For that I will never forget you. You turned lemons into the best pink lemonade possible for me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

God bless all of you for helping people like me and for being such angels.You're wonderful.Love and peace...
Hi .. just wanted to thank you for your site, hats, staff. My friend received the hats I ordered from you and was thrilled. (In fact you will probably get another order from her). It is a difficult time for her and it was nice to be able to do something that was helpful and yet personal ... Thank you again.
Just a note of thanks for sending out my order so quickly. It arrived yesterday, my first day of chemo (Oct 7), and the hats and wig merchandise are WONDERFUL and the pocket angel is such a sweet gesture - will always be with me. I am now fully prepared for my new adventure (this is the only way I can look at it!)

Thanks again!
Thank you, thank you, Thank you!

A couple of weeks ago I ordered a couple of hats for a friend of mine that has just begun her chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer. With very short notice, some friends decided to throw her a hat shower so that she would have several to choose from. I received the hats on Friday and they were perfect!! So perfect in fact, that my friend wanted to know where I got them and how expensive they were. I gave her the link to your website and she just emailed me to say she ordered 3 more! We were both impressed that the hats and scarves offered on your website are tailored for hair loss and so they cover more and are more comfortable. Your company and those working there truly are a blessing! Keep up the good work and know that your products and your services are noticed and appreciated!!
I'm so happy to have found your site. This is my third battle with ovarian cancer. The thought of wearing wigs again did not appeal to me. They are so hot and itchy. I live in Texas myself and I'm sure you know how hot these summers are. I love your hats, scarves, and turbans. No wigs for me this time! I read your story of how you started your business. Thank you for such a beautiful selection of head coverings. I hope you are well and healthy.
...I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your kindness and the attention you gave my order...there must be fifty million wig companies on the internet but of all the sites (and I have looked at a lot), Headcovers Unlimited seemed a step above. Your internet sight (sic) was great...Your selection in wigs was really good and far better than most. Your accessories selection was without question the very best, and your pricing seemed very fair and competitive with most sites. I hope I don't have to buy any more wigs (would like to have my real hair back) but if I do you can be sure I will come back to you and with or without a wig, I will be back for more accessories.
I have given up on wearing the wigs completely - my hats are so much more comfortable to wear at home, at work and even in bed. I have finished my chemotherapy and am awaiting surgery which will be in a few weeks time. Now that the chemo is over (hopefully for good) I feel able to get in to work more often, and lots of people have commented on my hats. This new order will give me a wider choice of 'house hats', 'office hats' and 'bed hats'.
I ordered 3 head gear, it was shipped Monday and FedEx delivered on Tuesday to Ontario Canada, such fast service. I love the corduroy newsboy hat and just love the pink sleep cap. Now that my hair is gone I'm so thankful for the beautiful headwear. Will be getting a wig soon.
We were pleased to find your site & the variety of hats & turbans available & knowing that they come from a person who "has been there" makes us think they're what our daughter is looking for. We're hoping they will make this very hard time a little easier for her. Thank you.
My order arrived today and I can't tell you how thoughtful you were to get it to me so quickly. My hair has fallen out quite quickly and my regular wig shop - where my preordered wig is - is closed for spring break! So thank you so much for coming through. I love the hair for hats - it looks great.
I ordered the chiffon SoSimple Scarves (3) and I just LOVE them! They are very lightweight (perfect for the hot, windy summers here in the Columbia River Gorge!) and very stylish. Not to mention versatile I initially bought them for "work only" as I work in a professional setting, but I think I need to order more, because these will probably become my Every Day scarves! They go with Everything! My only complaint would be not enough colors (that I like, anyway). But the colors I ordered (green, brown, silver/grey) are absolutely beautiful. They seem to be very well made, too. So, in short, I highly recommend these!
Bought this for my sister in law and she LOVED it she found it soft and very comfortable and the fit was just what she had been looking for. I was delighted with the produce and service as it was delivered very quickly to us here on PEI.
Thank you..

Dear Carol,
I wanted to take a minute to thank you and your "Headcovers Unlimited" for making my life a bit more liveable (and warmer).

My sister from Maine got your info. from her computer and got in touch with either you or your company.

In August, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, had extensive surgery, followed by chemotherapy. I still have about four months of chemo left and haven't really been too ill, just after my triple cocktail (three different chemo drugs the same day).

I shall make your company's name and address available to my friends. Again, thank you very much for doing such a nice thing for all of us. I also hope this letter finds you feeling well.

Just to get the jump on some future events, Happy Holidays!
Dear Carol,
It's been over a year since I attended the Look Good/Feel Better seminar. It's still one of the "good" things that happened after I found out that I had cancer.

Carol, your honesty and openness as a survivor gave me hope and calmed my fears. Nadine, telling the story about your sister's eyelashes coming off during her date snapped me into the realization that my life wasn't over yet and that men would/could still be attracted to me. You were both a fantastic source of comfort and hope to this single female.

Thank you for sharing your hearts and your time.
My order was delivered to Ottawa within 2 days and my daughter was thrilled with it, she said she felt like a super-model after having her head shaved and the lovely hairdresser showed her how to tie it. Thank you much.

Dear Carol,
Thank you so much for your wonderful hats. I am currently being treated for breast cancer and as a result I'm now bald. Your stylish and well fitting hats give me a great alternative to my wig. I actually think I'll be wearing your hats a lot more than the wig.

Ordering over the Internet was quick and easy and your prompt fulfillment of my order was an extra special treat. Please be assured that I will pass your company's name and information to everyone in my support group. You've made a difficult time less difficult.

Thank you very much.
This was a great resource for me to discover! My mother is just starting chemo for her breast cancer & was having trouble finding suitable head coverings. Thank you so much for your wide variety & very reasonable prices both in products & shipping. God bless you!
These hats are all for me, I am about to undergo breast cancer surgery and chemo-THANK YOU for your website-it has been a nightmare trying to find the right things until now. Blessings!

I received the scarves, hats and turbans today and they are truly beautiful. Thank you and your co-workers for a great product and spectacular service.

And I really appreciate the extra gifts. Thanks again. Take good care and don't be surprised if you hear from me again. These items are just too incredibly nice not to treat myself and friends too.
I received my order today and absolutely love every piece I received! They are beautiful. I tried all of them on. I really love the scarf with the scrunchy and have to order more. The other thing I love is that you can't see through any of these, even the white, and that was something I wasn't sure of when I ordered. I had been looking in stores for scarves but they don't make cotton and that is really a must especially for summer. Thank you. I passed out your name to a few folks down at the cancer treatment center today.


Thank you so much for your note! Your web site is wonderful and is also a god-send. I can't tell you how nice it is to have so many terrific options in one place. With so many other things to worry about and deal with, right now, it is a pleasure to be able to do one-stop shopping for some head coverings. Thank you! I'll be ordering in the next few days.
Dear Carol (or Headcovers Unlimited representative):

A couple of weeks ago, I visited your site for the first time and was extremely impressed with the selection. I ordered 7 items for my mother and we promptly received a confirmation call from Carol who was extremely helpful and professional. My mom loved them and we are so pleased with the quality!

Thank you again so much. We will certainly refer all our friends to your
website and look forward to buying more lovely hats from you!
I am now 48 years young and half of my hair is gone. It is very thin and if I grow it out-it grows really raggedy and looks very unhealthy. This is my first purchase from you. I am a Jewish woman also getting ready to to go to my Bat Mitzvah in the middle of May, do you recommend any of your beautiful styles to wear then? May G-d truly bless you as you are a precious jewel helping all of us women to look our best; feminine and gentle. Shalom.
Thank you so much for the quick delivery of the first hat. My girlfriend was so delighted with it, that she wanted to see the website, and loved so many of the styles. I suspect you'll be getting many more orders to this address! Thank you again.
...I was impressed with the quality of your hats, and Mom was very happy to have something that didn't hurt her head but still looked good. Chemo is hard enough, so it felt good to see her a little more comfortable. Thanks to you and your company. I'll gladly recommend you to anyone else I ever know who has to go through this.
I ordered eyebrows from you on Thursday evening. I cannot believe that I have already received them. This speaks so well for your company.

The eyebrows are beautiful.

Most companies one has to wait for weeks to get an order.

When you have cancer waiting is not a good thing because you don't know when your last day on earth will be.

Thank you for taking good care of me, even tho' it's just eyebrows - when you don't have any, it's a big thing.
Hi Carol,

I read your story and felt I should respond. My story is very similar to yours. I went to my doctor who did a breast exam, but found nothing. She decided to send me for a mammogram ONLY because I was 40. She said she hadn't found anything, but that she sends all her patients at 40. So, away I went. The mass was detected on the mammogram and 2 of my lymph nodes. I, however, could not find the mass, neither could my doctor, and even the surgeon with the report as to where it was, had a hard time finding it, so I agree with you totally. The lymph nodes in the armpit were far more prominent than the breast mass was.

I am in the process of shopping for a wig, hat and/or turban. I'm having my mastectomy next week, and have an appointment with a local place tomorrow, but I will definitely be shopping on your website in the next few weeks, you have a wonderful selection!!!

And thank you for telling your story, we all need to be reminded that we're not alone.
This is my second order - the first arrived within a week, all the way over to me in the United Kingdom. I love your hats (just wish I didn't need them!).
My mother and I are both going through chemo for breast cancer. I am a month further along than she is. She has not lost her hair yet, but will. I have lost all my hair and thought that I would always be wearing a wig. But the truth of the matter, around the house and going shopping I prefer to wear caps or turbans. They are a lot less scratchy. Thanks for making such great products available to us who are dealing with so much. These are not the type of products you find in your local mall.
Thanks, Headcovers...glad you are there as I begin this breast cancer journey.
Just a note to let you know that my little wiglet arrived and it looks great with one of my numerous caps. I will be bald for at least 18 months due to chemotherapy...This little hairpiece is perfect to go for walks in humid Houston weather. It looks very realistic. Thanks!
I just wanted to say "Thank you for being there". I am a former 'pecian. I had alopecia areata five years ago. At that time it was very difficult to find hats to cover my head, nevermind the bangs and band wigs that you offer. So I just wanted to say thank you for providing a much needed service in offering a very nice selection of products for those who may desperately need them. While I don't need your products now, one never knows when alopecia may suddenly re-appear, and it's good to know that you are there. I have bookmarked your site.

Christy just loved her seven hats! They were perfect for her sweet eight-year-old head, and her seven-year-old sister loves them so much that she's borrowing one from Christy. Thank you for your promptness in getting them to her. She was so grateful and said they were all beautiful...

Thanks again. You made our granddaughter's Thanksgiving Day happier because she loved her hats.
...I want you to know that I am extremely satisfied with the workmanship on the hats. I have Lupus (SLE) and am all but hairless. I am tickled that I have finally found a place to get something besides the polyester or terry turbans! And I also love the style and the fabric of the Beret...I will continue ordering hats from you. In fact, I just made out an order form tonight... Thanks again.
I was so happy to find your website with such a great selection. I've finished my chemo and am 1/3 thru radiation. I'm starting to get a little peach fuzz, but know it will be awhile before I have real hair. It's hard to be patient, so a new hat really helps. Thanks!
Thanks so much for your site. My mom has started chemo and feels so uncomfortable loosing her hair. I'm surprising her with your great products. They'll make her feel much better about herself and the way she looks.

Hello again. I was so happy with my last order. It's so wonderful to be able to leave my house and go out again. I will place my orders to you every month till I have it all. LOL Thanks a lot.
I would like to commend your company for the excellent selection of hats and wigs made available to customers like myself who are undergoing chemo treatments and literally cannot find suitable hats in the malls. Maybe because I live in a small city, but it doesn't help the frustration when you already have enough to deal with. I have received my order from you and am very satisfied with the hats I have chosen. Once again , thank you very much and keep up the good work. 
I am going through chemo for breast cancer and I ordered a pretied head scarf in tan. I love how light weight it is and comfortable. It also looks pretty. Thank you for all the different selections you offer on your website.
Thank you for such a wonderful site. I have very rare disorder. The medication that I must take for the next year causes complete hair loss. The idea of going to a "wig shop" and dealing with all the questions and sympathic looks is more than I care to deal with right now. I look forward to once again going out in public without my stocking cap - which, quite frankly, looked just a tad too funky for the more formal social events that are coming up this season.


I received my order of five items this morning, and wanted to let you know how delighted I am. This is my second order, and I have found each
piece to be exactly as promised, and of excellent quality given the very
reasonable prices...

I've already passed on one of your business cards to a friend who is an
oncology nurse (not at my facility) and plan to bring another with me when I next see my own doctor.

...I've been told by several chemo patients that they found their wigs hot and itchy and didn't wear them as much as they'd thought they
would. I was even told this by a woman who purchased a $1,500 wig!

Thanks for the pretty looks and the fast, personal service.
I just would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your prompt service last year and the wonderful products you have. I found your site by accident and then ordered a number of items. I was extremely pleased with both the products and service and I have since recommended your company to a number of people.

I have been on my cancer journey for 20 years (something seems to happen every couple of years) and I am frequently asked questions by other cancer patients. One question that has frequently arisen is where I purchased my scarves and hats from. I do give out the web address for your company but I wondered if you would be interested in sending me some business cards that I could then distribute to other cancer patients? I belong to a number of cancer support networks here in Perth, Western Australia and I would be more than happy to pass out your cards.
Hi Carol,

I've gotten the hats and I want to tell you I love them very much. The size fits me and I like the color too. I think I will order additional hats from you. Thank you very much.
Hi, Folks. Just wanted to let you know that the two scarves arrived today (only three days in transit), and they're every bit as pretty as the photos on your web site -- you even displayed the colors just right! Thanks.
Hi Carol,

I was diagnosed with breast cancer nine years ago and went through chemo and radiation. I, too, had lost all my hair and searched places for turbans and wigs. I mostly wore the terry cloth turbans and scarves because I found the wigs to be uncomfortable in the hot humid weather. Recently, I was diagnosed with cancer again in the same breast. As of June 30th, I had a mastectomy and reconstruction using the latisimus dorsi muscle in my back...I'm not sure if I need chemo yet or not...I just wanted to thank you for the headcover products you sell. What a great idea!
Just received my second order from you on Monday. Purchased the Sporty Baseball Hat. I think this is my favorite purchase so far. It is so soft and fits like a dream. Especially like the soft smaller size brim. Received many compliments at chemo this week.
These are by far the nicest selection I have found. Your company can take great pride in the products you offer for people in need.
Wow, what service, I can't even begin to express to you how much this means to me. I never thought I would be able to have these in time for Christmas. I have two sons ages 9 & 11 and usually I am most excited about what they are receiving from Santa, but this year I can not wait to give my sisters these gifts. It will mean so much to us all. Thank you again, I will sing the praises of
Danielle, the order came perfectly and my friend just loves the hats! Thanks for all your time and your terrific products.

I really appreciate your help and words of encouragement. I was especially impressed by the fact that your business began as a result of a personal experience with breast cancer. That is inspiring for someone who has faced that challenge and overcome it. I am sure you receive a lot of personal stories from clients. I will be sure to pass your company name on to anyone who is in need of the products you sell.

Thanks again -
Received my order of angel pins today. I'm really glad I ordered them, because they are beautiful.

Will be using them as Xmas gifts for family and friends. So I just wanted to say thank you for a great item and fast service.
I recently ordered a wig and would like to say you did a perfect job selecting a color matching my hair sample. When I went for my chemo treatment, yesterday, the lady in the therapy room said "That can't be a wig but according to the medication it almost has to be." She said that the medication was the only reason that made her think I could be wearing one. My husband did not recognize it as a wig as he was out of town when my hair began to thin and I had it on when he came back in. He looked at me this morning and said "Is that your hair or wig?" I am really pleased and it is very comfortable. Thank you for such a nice product. It means a lot to have these things at a time like this. Keep the good work up.

Thank you so much for shipping the [sleep]cap so quickly to me, I received it yesterday and spent a much more restful night as a result. In fact, I am so pleased that I am wearing it now around the house.

This is my first order. After a LONG search on the internet, your company had the BEST web site and best selection I could find! I'm looking forward to receiving my order! I am 3 weeks out of my mastectomy with immediate reconstructive surgery. I will start chemo the end of the month, and according to my doctor can expect to lose my hair. These hats will help me in the transition...then, maybe I'll order a wig from you! Thanks so much for what you're doing for breast cancer survivors!...Keep up the good work! Can't wait for my package to arrive! :)
God bless you!
You are so sweet to remember me. I'm tolerating the chemo pretty well; they tell me I probably have two more treatments to go (#5 and #6) before surgery. So I was thinking I could probably use some nice head covers for the time in the hospital; thus the new order. It's actually turned out all the wigs and hats and such are totally fun rather than being sad; it's a wonderful morale boost to have something pretty to wear. And you know what? Those two freebie gifts you packed in my earlier orders have been among the things I've liked and used the most. You are the best! I will sure keep watching your site; it is such a cheery place. Hope things are well with you.

I just lost most of my hair and have been trying to figure out what to do about all this mess. I found some scarves at home and was using those but everyone was after me to get a wig. I swear I looked like a country western star, it just wasn't me. I found a really ugly black turban in a men's hat store and another in a wig store. My husband just laughed at me...So I decided to look on the internet and there you were. It must have been destiny. I'm sure there's somewhere in the Chicago area that has chemo hats and stuff. But I just don't feel like going anywhere. So you were sent by God!

Thanks for taking such good care of me. You can be sure I will be keeping track of the new things on your site. There are other things I saw that I really liked but didn't want to buy too much all at once. This is all so new to me, I don't exactly know what I'm doing yet. But you have made my life a lot easier and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Bless you and your designers!
WOW! You (and the US Postal Service) are AMAZING!!! I received this order TODAY, Wednesday, October 6!!!!
I had just placed it online late Sunday night! The hats are GREAT! (I'm even thinking about ordering some for myself!) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Smiles and blessings.
I received my wig today from Headcovers. Thank you so much. Last week, I went to a local salon. As soon as the hairdresser put me in the chair she started to throw all these wigs on and off of my head. And all of them looked to be like something that had crawled to a corner and died. The colors were bad and the styles were limited. Now all I know is, I have no hair and I want hair. After 46 years with the same hair, how does one pick a rug and then decide on a style. Of course I was only in the salon for about 25 minutes and left with my bare head. Even my husband did not like any of the wigs, we both agreed they made me look 10 or more years older. And the prices were unbelievable, nothing below $400.

Thank you once again. I am elated, it looks fabulous...My wig does seem to fit just right, for what i know, which is nothing about wigs.
I am so grateful for Headcovers and the hats they offer. I wanted to attend my son's college graduation, but my hair loss is so severe the last thing I wanted was for people to focus on that instead of the huge accomplishment of my son. I was embarrassed to say the least. Just a couple of months before the date I found the Headcovers site. I poured over the selection and with great nervousness I ordered the Eliana hat. People liked it very much and I was so relieved to spend that day focused on my family and not on my baldness. Thank you so much for giving me that.
Thank you so much for the quick delivery to the Netherlands! My package just arrived and the headcovering is so much more better then they are on picture.
You might like to try this with your "snuggle beanie". I tied a silk scarf around the bottom and then just shaped the beanie over it, which gives it a dressier look. and still very comfortable!
Dearest Danielle,

I cannot tell you what it means to me to be able to purchase some of your hats for my precious Mother who is going through chemotherapy. It is so heart breaking. I have printed out all the styles I think she might like and am sending them to her she will mark what she likes and I will purchase them for her.

I was able to purchase winter hats for her in my area. I just had lunch with her and my Father and she was wearing this terrible wig because her winter hats were too warm and she didn't want to tell me. She has always been such a beautiful little lady inside and out, so caring and wonderful. She has spent her entire life caring for other people and animals.

I wanted you to know something about her, this is personal.

Thank you again, dear lady.
Dear Carol,

Thanks so much for all the trouble you have gone through for me. The extra time you have taken with me shows there are still people out there with a heart and who cares about others. In today's world usually just making a sell is all a company is after. But not Headcovers, the customer is the most important thing to you and that really means a lot. I look forward to receiving my wig, and soon after will be placing another order for little extras I am sure I will need.
Again, thank you so much.
I just gotta say...I love your products... My mom ordered me a few hats and I love them!! I am now done with chemo and taxol and radiation treatment and now just waiting for 6 months to go by so I can get my reconstruction surgery.
My mom Silvia Otero and my aunt Susana Otero from Argentina. Both of them fight the cancer! I love them and miss them BIG time! I got the flower swim cap from you guys to make them happier and more more beautiful! So proud of my family = )
Nice display of wigs, hats and turbans. Will definitly order more in the near and recent future!
...Thank you very much again Carol, I can’t even imagine how hard this whole experience must be for my friend. I was reading your story and she has something that sounds like the type of cancer you had, so even though I know it’s going to be tough, I have faith in God that she’ll make it the same way you did.

Some time ago, I asked a good friend of mine who is living in Oklahoma, too, to purchase a lot of your swim caps for me and send them to Japan...I had studied the website of your company before, and in my opinion all the bathing caps look so absolutely gorgeous that I decided to buy some of them. If it would have been possible, I would certainly order at least one of each color or color combination, but I had to limit my choice. I like those caps with chin strap most, but the petal swim caps, too, look great! I am very happy with them. I just wanted to let you know how much I am satisfied with them, and they fit absolutely perfect.

I have just received the sleep hats I ordered for my 92 year old father whose head tends to get cold in bed. I would like to say 'Thank You' they are so well made and soft.  He is really pleased with them. I did not want to open the wrapping it was so beautiful.

Just to thank you once again for the beautiful headwear that we received so timeously from your company. My mum has now lost most of her hair and is wearing the hats with pride. The sleepcap was great to use when her hair was falling out. She looks great in the others as well and finds them very comfortable to wear. I hope you don't mind but I have passed the details of your company onto the specialist staff who are dealing with her treatment as they were very interested.

Dear Danielle,

We have been very happy with your service and your products...Your company provides a convenient, private way to take care of a need during a very stressful time in our family's life.
...My hair started falling out yesterday evening; your site brought me much comfort this morning. Since I'm 21, I was thrilled to find you had some younger-looking selections. I'm sure we'll be in touch again, as I plan to have fun with this. (I've heard there's nothing like a good collection of hats to get a girl going out and about again.) Again, thanks...
I am getting so many compliments on my wig. The nurse in the oncology unit at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago where I am receiving my treatment, said it is the best one she has ever seen. I am very grateful to you and your staff for all your assistance in making this experience less traumatic. I truly appreciate the wonderful service you provide to us chemo recipients to get us through the hairless days.
I've been browsing the web now for a few weeks, looking for an adhesive to use with synthetic wigs. I have suffered from trichillomania for many, many years now -- I believe I can track it back to age 15, which is now almost 40 years ago. No obssessive compulsive drug has worked to alleviate this problem, and I have lived much of my life wearing wigs. I would love to see a cure for this condition, but fear it's not going to come soon enough to help me; however, if the cure comes in time to help others like me, I'll be satisfied.

Good luck and keep up the good work -- for it is truly GOD's work.

Dear Amy,

Wow! Thank you so much for your prompt response regarding my email. I was absolutely shocked when my mother's hats arrived less than 24 hours after I ordered them. She especially loved the Mimi hat. Thanks for making this difficult time more managable for her with your fast customer service and great headcover selection.
Dear Carol,

We spoke briefly last week after I received my package of hats, etc. Anyway, I want to reinterate how impressed I am with your website, products and service. If you will send me some business cards, I would like to place them at the cancer center where I am being treated. You are doing a great thing for women who are going through enough already. Congratulations and keep up the great work.
Hi. I am happy I found your website. My sister-in-law is 30 years old and 7 months pregnant. Last month she found out she has breast cancer. Her first chemo treatment is today and I can't wait to give her the Cheer Bear and Cozy Cap.
I placed my order on Tues. and received on Thurs. How about that for service! I just started my chemo, so your timing is excellent! The products I received are well-made, high-quality. Thank you for your caring service.
Dear Lori and Danielle and everyone who has dealt with my order,

The swim caps arrived today - wow - they are lovely and I know that my daughter (who is a very keen swimmer and also a fashionista) will be delighted with them.

Once again, may I say how pleased I am with the products and the service Headcovers have provided.

Best wishes from Ursula
I was looking for a feminine and saw your Ball cap with bow. I liked it so well I have purchased all the colors. I took your advice and make other bows matching the top I would wear, I have had so many compliments on those caps. Thank You.
Hello, I got the head cover for my sister who started Chemo and was looking for head covers. The head cover was very light and lovely. When she started her next chemo, she was asked where she got it and she said She very pleased with it! Thanks!
Let me tell you what I ended up doing - and why I didn't wear the three expensive wigs that I bought (two of them were covered by insurance). I just didn't feel like me in a wig, I felt fake. During the week that I was wearing a wig, I went to and ordered something called "hat with hair" which I lovingly renamed my "wiglet." It is a half-wig that costs about $35 (hair all around sides and back, bald on top except for some elastic holding it onto the head). When I put it on and stuck a hat on top, I saw myself in the mirror for the first time since losing my hair. I've always been a "hat person" so this became my "look" until I had enough regrowth to feel comfortable going topless (about 3 months after my last chemo).
Your products are simply lovely. In addition to hair loss, they are beautiful options for those of us who cover for religious reasons. Thank you for the service you provide, helping to make women feel beautiful!
I love my new petal cap! It came in very handy while on vacation. When I placed the order, I didn't realize the true nature of your work at I will certainly be purchasing more swim caps from you in the future. Thanks for the great work!
We are rocking our swim caps!
Hello Headcovers, Greetings of Peace. First of all I want you to know that the quality of your merchandise is a step above the rest. I recently ordered and item similar to your sequin beret from another company (they had a color you did not) and I tell you it was so uncomfortable and unfashionable, that I had to return it!

Next, I just ordered the fabulous sequin newsboy, I like to wear cabbies in inclement weather but they are usually so uncomfortable that I cringe at the thought. This cabbie (newsboy) was the softest cabbie I have ever worn, the brim was also a nice comfortable, fashionable smaller size, it is fabulous. I was wondering are all your newsboys soft like that, and if not can you tell me which ones are, I must begin to build a collection from your site so that I will love my cabbies again.

Thank you so much. Have a very blessed holiday.
Thank you for such fast and efficient service. We got the hat in time for a "hat" party for a friend of ours who lost her hair to chemo. We appreciate your prompt service and quality product. She loved the hat.
Most impressed with your gorgeous head covers and amazing service. Living in Melbourne, Australia - ordered 6 items on your website Thurs., 19th September. They arrived on Mon.23rd September! Thanks, will most certainly recommend and buy again.
I was home sick yesterday and my assortment of lovely headcovers arrived. I can't tell you how much it meant to me-now I can be proud to go out in public. Thank you so much for rushing my order. The quality of your products is really good and I am very pleased.

Dear Danielle and Carol,

I just want to say a big THANK YOU for your great products and customer service. I placed an order late last week for my sister who has lost her hair due to a new type of chemo. All three products arrived Monday afternoon! I was amazed by the fast shipping. You have a good product and a great website. I was able to order quickly and easily. I received an order confirmation when I ordered and again when they shipped. The products are so much nicer than what you can find in the store.

May God bless you both in your business and in helping other cancer patients like my sister!

I received my first order from you today. I could not be happier: the hats are all beautiful (well-made, comfortable, and stylish), and sweet thoughtfulness of the tissue and ribbon in which they came wrapped almost moved me to tears. Thank you so, so much.

Thank you for your generous donation to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation. As a parent of a young boy with AA, this really means a lot!!! Thanks again, and looking forward to more products for little boys!!!
Hi to Carol and Danielle,

I just wanted to say how pleased my mum and I are with your wonderful service. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer at the beginning of March and has already had 2 chemotherapy sessions. On her behalf I have placed 2 orders with you, both delivered very quickly here in Scotland.

She loves her new bandanas and 3-seam hats. She also has the little hair bang/fringe to attach to the front of the hats. She's already had compliments from nurses at her unit.

We are wearing the multi colored wristbands and I am very pleased with my new silver and pink leather bracelet.

I think you provide an excellent selection for people who already have so many other concerns. At least now they can have stylish headcovers at a good price!

Thanks once again, best wishes to you, and I wish you continued success with the company.
Thank you for sending me such a lovely hat. I am a cancer patient with lymphoma and I am going through chemo, so this will keep me warm in the following months of fall and winter since I only have peach fuzz on my head!
Very fast delivery.......swift and flawless. The hats are great! Thanks!
I ordered three had covers and they are perfect. Really have helped with the lost of my hair and depression of loosing it. Great service also. Thank you.
I don't know who I spoke to yesterday, but she was wonderful and SO helpful. The wig (this time in the right color. LOL) arrived already this morning. It is super and feels great. Really light and airy and it looks wonderful on me, if I do say so myself. I have decided to keep the one I ordered in the wrong color and donate it to our local cancer care center. They help out so many women who are going through treatments and it is all for free. I know someone wil be able to use it and look as great as I do!

Your personnel is amazing and the site is wonderful. I'm going to order more things as soon as I finish this note to you all.

Thanks for caring and being there for all of us who are in need. You are appreciated.
Thank you so much for such quick delivery of my scarves and turbans I ordered. I lost my hair last week from chemo and it was such a blessing to get my head covers in 1 day. I can't thank you enough.

I just wanted to personally thank you for the unbelievable service. I think my order was delivered to me in the United Kingdom within 24 hours of me ordering from you in the US. I just had no comfortable headgear since my hair had fallen out from the chemo, and the relief your products have given me has been amazing. They are just perfect.
Thank you to all of you who provide such an amazingly efficient service.  A very happy Christmas to you all.

My daughter is very excited to receive the order ... we were so satisfied the first time, that we now ordering for the second time with you! Greetings from Belgium! (Europe :-) )
Two days shipping from USA to Germany ... wow ! Thanks so much for your really fast delivery :). Your creations are wonderful, especially I like "Emily" so much. Thanks for your nice work and all the best ! Many regards from Germany :)
I have received the headscarves. They are beautiful and very good quality. I also love the way you wrapped and sent them Recommended you to lots of my friends. Thanks again.
I want to thank you for providing affordable comfortable head covers!!! They are not so easy to find and the fact you make them beautiful and affordable is appreciated.
I just received my covers today, and it brightened my day to open it and see the magnet and ribbon. Thank you so very much for the kind thought. I will remember this verse of Scripture forever.God bless you all!!
Dear Ms. Galland:
I just wanted you to know how very grateful I am that I discovered your website and products. I had to undergo chemotherapy from October through December and lost most of my hair. Your hats saved the day for me, especially the 100% cotton ones which were so cool and comfortable.

Thank you, thank you!
In this e-mail I'd like to thank you for the "hat with hair" I received in September, just before my vacation-trip.

I am very glad I ordered the curly "hat with hair" and I wear it with a scarf. I get many compliments and the best part is that it is never too hot. In wintertime I will use my "normal wig", but when I do things with a bit of workout (singing, Painting) it's goog that I have a wig that's accustomed to the sweating. The "hats with hair" are a wonderful "in between"(instead of wearing a scarf so that everybody knows that you don't have hair).
Hi Danielle & Carol,
What a lovely surprise at 7:30 today I heard the parcel delivery man & there was your parcel, great service. Love all the caps, took the pink one for a swim in the pool this a.m., she behaved beautifully. Fantastic caps, even better service. Thank You, I will get you as much business for you as possible over here.
Dear Danielle, My breast cancer story is much like your mothers, initial diagnosis was Stage II. 11 years to the day later, Stage III. Finding head coverings this time was difficult. I've chosen not to wear a wig and your caps are by far the very best. Delivery was just 4 days, just in time for my second treatment and I am so grateful. Your caps are so soft, comfortable and flattering. Thank you for continuing your mothers work. Both of your stories are inspirations.
I order from and always love the packaging, the love put into it and the thoughts- i keep the ribbons, and the magnet is on my fridge. great for nyc humidity, the bamboo is so soft!
Hi Danielle,

Thanks for taking the time to go over my questions on the hats. I appreciate your time. I also think it's great that you and your mom do this - I just read the story on how you guys got involved. I'm very glad your mom is doing okay now. Your website by far had the most fashionable, affordable items I have seen. It almost makes me not so upset to be losing my hair....Again, thanks very much for your time.

Thanks Headcovers, This site is a blessings for all who visit. Thanks for making a temporary (never say permanent) sickness look so beautiful to our eyes, while we cover our heads with pride.
Dear Carol:

My sister is undergoing chemo and I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for your great site with its extensive selection of items. I have purchased several of your items for my sister and we are very grateful that you are here to make this difficult time a little easier for her. Thank you.
After having my head shaved for brain surgery, I was looking for a cute head covering. Headcovers Unlimited provided exactly what I was looking for. They are incredibly cute, comfortable, and easy to wear, and they arrive beautifully packaged. I plan to order more!
I initially came across your site in my search for headcoverings 3 years ago. I was looking for head coverings that I could use for bad hair days.When I read the founders story my heart was so touched. I didn't know that she was a cancer survivor..I was immediately taken back to my own mothers courageous battle with breast cancer..Although she never experienced hair loss she would have appreciated these lovely head coverings just the same. Even though my purchases were not for hairloss reasons I still choose to support this business because of the comonality we share as one who has been effected by cancer..Each time I wear one of the lovely snoodys I will always be reminded of my own moms fight( we miss her so much) and the milllions of other women who are fighting and continuing to fight this monster of a disease called cancer. My friends love the way the hats look so I have recomended that they all purchase them from you. ..Thank you for all you do to help make the fight a little bit easier!
RC (satisfied customer)

Dear Danielle,

Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful selection of turbans and hats!

I have fibromyalgia and many days I just don't have the energy to style my hair, so your turbans and hats are a life-saver. Turbans can be made with scarves, but I have found almost all of my scarves cause my scalp to itch, so your cotton hats and turbans are perfect for comfort! They are so beautiful, too.

I just received my first order from you and I'm sure it won't be the last. Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!!!!!
I just want to say a huge thank you. I live in Queensland Australia and was recommended to you for head wear for my pending hair loss. I put an order in last Sunday and would you believe it, it was just delivered to my door?? That is absolutely amazing service and I cant thank you enough. I will be putting in a new order very soon because you are A++++.
I received my parcel and was very pleased with my slinky scarf and my headband and caps for under scarves and wigs will recommend you to my friends as service was very quick. I hope to put in another order in another week or so. THANKS
I just wanted to send a note to thank you for the great hats and turbans I received last week. They were so comfortable and attractive that I decided I needed a few more! Losing your hair while undergoing treatment for breast cancer is a traumatic experience and it's difficult to look and feel your best while dealing with this challenge. Your products make me feel good about myself and proud to hold my head up again!
I liked your stuff so much I went ahead and placed another order for some scarves and hats. I certainly will tell my American Cancer Group how very accommodating you have been...This is a difficult time, thank you so very much for your kindness...Your web page is amazing. What a perfect model you have chosen to show us chemo's your different styles.
I wanted to thank you for the speedy delivery of my order. I received one of my orders today, the 17th. I start chemo tomorrow. I have three pretty hats to chose from now. It was a wonderful surprise and it lifted me up to know that I got them so soon. Thank you again.

Dear Carol and Danielle,

With great anticipation, my dear wife and angel Maura opened her Headcovers package. To see the smile and glimmer in her eyes at the sight of these beautiful headcovers was magical.

She modeled each one with delight and great satisfaction, and felt secure in the knowledge that this will help her moral as she faces future chemo treatments.

Thank you for taking the extra care to include the lovely note on my behalf to her.
I am going through Chemotherapy for inoperable pancreatic cancer. I ordered a human hair wig from another source. But I also ordered an Eva Gabor wig from your company. Imagine my delight when my hairdresser said that the Gabor wig looked and felt better on my head than the human hair. Thank you!
Thank you for such a fast service. I did forward your site to my daughter in Norway and she loves it, she will forward it to the Norwegian Breast Cancer Group in Norway, as well the Hospital. Thank you for all you help.

God Bless You.
Receive my head topper wig today quick service via Fed Ex. Very happy with purchase. Being in late 60's my hair has thinned out especially on top. Tried it on immediately looks great and blends beautifully also not heavy don't really feel it is there could only say 'value for money' thank you Headcovers Unlimited glad I found your site,

Cairns Australia
Dear Carol,

This is just to let you know that my parcel of cotton scarves has arrived safely in England in double-quick time! I was so thankful to find your website, as I haven't been able to find anything nearly as good over here. I've tried them all on and I think they look great with jeans and sweaters for round the house. Even my kids are impressed that I don't look too weird. The bed-time soft jersey cap is particularly popular, and I'm sure they'll be grateful not to be greeted by me looking grotesque in my pajamas and no hair.
I also clicked on your story. Even 12 years after yours, mine is hideously similar. Same misdiagnosis of a lump in my armpit, same thoughtless prescription for antibiotics. I was so impressed by your wise counsel: Check under your arms! - that I forwarded your story to my daughter in Geneva.

Thank you so much for providing such a helpful web-site. You are a Good Samaritan. Best wishes.
My mom does not have cancer but she is 89 years old and has very little hair. She also has sensitive skin and is one of the pickiest people I've ever met. I ordered her a hat for my daughter's wedding in August. In December I ordered her 2 more hats as a surprise...I left a phone message for your company, saying I was worried that Mom wouldn't get the hats in time to wear to a Christmas tea we are going to. The next day they were shipped and arrived promptly. She loved both of them for their comfort and good looks and fit. Thank you so much for the thoughtfulness and caring shown by your quick response!
Thank you for your haircovers. I just found out that I will be needing chemo therapy to fight my newly diagnosed breast cancer and will probably lose my hair...These look beautiful! Thank you again.

Dear Headcovers,

My order arrived today & is exactly what I had hoped to receive. Thank you so much, my sister will love these at this awful time in her life. Thank you again for your prompt and efficient service, very professional.
Dear Headcovers,

Your hats/scarfs, are great! I've gotten many compliments wearing them, just what I need when I'm not feeling quite normal. I'm going through chemo for breast cancer right now and find your hats/scarfs VERY comfortable and stylish. I have and will highly recommend Headcovers to people in need. Thank you for the wide selection.
Thank you so much for having such beautiful items for us to have, and for the hopes that one day there will be a cure for cancer.
Dear Headcovers,

I realise that you are incredibly busy so I'll keep this note brief. I ordered 2 turbans for my mother and she absolutely loves them.

The products themselves are of a quality that we just don't have in the UK. I can't thank you enough.
I am happy to be able to look for a head gear that I find comfortable and fashionable to wear. Most importantly, I do not want others to know that I have a bald head beneath. Most head gears require hair to be shown. Thank you for helping people like me to have an alternative head gear during my "hair loss" days during my chemotherapy treatment. Cheers!
A big thank you from Sydney, Australia. My order arrived and the materials are so soft and the prints are beautiful. Your headscarves will make facing treatment that little bit easier, thank you :)